There are aliases for common devices and common apps so i can start stuff with a few characters
So the first parameter denotes the function.
l = logcat r = replace app (keeping data) s = shell i = install u = uninstall o = overwrite (uninstall then install) ks = kill-server ss = start-server
The second parameter denots the device (which are configured in the first if statement):
a = all connected devices (from 'adb devices') f = first device (in 'adb devices' list) e1 = emulator-5554 (the others are my hardware devices)
Then there are app package name shortcuts ... (the 3rd if statement)
To start logcat on ny nexus 1, I type:
ad l n1And to overwrite an apk on all connected usb devices - it type (the 2nd 'a' param stands for 'all connected devices'), really useful when testing before a release ...
ad r a /path/to/apkfile.apkBasically it's nothing too high tech, it just makes things much quicker and easier when i am debugging. If you have any suggestions then i am keen to hear them...
So without further ado, here is the script:
#!/bin/bash # toggle this to test command output without execution 0=no exec EXEC=1; DEVICES='f' if [ $2 ] && [ $2 = 'g1' ] ; then DEVICES=("HT848KV04600") elif [ $2 ] && [ $2 = 'hero' ] ; then DEVICES=("HT9BSL901147") elif [ $2 ] && [ $2 = 'arch' ] ; then DEVICES=("A10-4BE40002-9FF80000-015F2F44-0D01601E") elif [ $2 ] && [ $2 = 'n1' ] ; then DEVICES=("HT018P805702") elif [ $2 ] && [ $2 = 'e1' ] ; then DEVICES=("emulator-5554") elif [ $2 ] && [ $2 = 's' ] ; then DEVICES=("I5500b2e40b3c") elif [ ! $2 ] || [ $2 = 'a' ] ; then DEVLIST=`adb devices` DEVICES=() for D in $DEVLIST; do if [ $D = "device" ] ; then DEVICES=(${DEVICES[@]} $PREV) fi PREV=$D done # take the first device if not specified otherwise take all if [ ! $2 ] ; then DEVICES=${DEVICES[0]} else DEVICES=${DEVICES[@]} fi fi echo "using devices:" $DEVICES OP='' if [ $1 ] ; then if [ $1 = 'u' ] ; then OP="uninstall" elif [ $1 = 'i' ] ; then OP="install" elif [ $1 = 'r' ] ; then OP="install -r" elif [ $1 = 'l' ] ; then OP="logcat" elif [ $1 = 's' ] ; then OP="shell" elif [ $1 = 'ks' ] ; then OP="kill-server" elif [ $1 = 'ss' ] ; then OP="start-server" elif [ $1 = 'z' ] ; then OP="" elif [ $1 = 'o' ] ; then OP="" fi fi PRG=$3; if [ $3 ] ; then if [ $3 = 'mpp' ] ; then PRG="" elif [ $3 = 'st' ] ; then PRG="" elif [ $3 = 'stp' ] ; then PRG="" elif [ $3 = 'mp' ] ; then PRG="" fi fi if [ ! $1 ] ; then echo "adextra" echo "CMD = o (overwrite) extra=apk | l (logcat) | r (reinstall) extra=apk | i (install) extra=apk | s (shell) | u (uninstall) | ks (kill-server) | ss (start-server)" echo "CMD = z (zipalign )" echo "DEV = g1 hero arch n1 s a(all)" echo "PRG = mp mpp st stp" echo "------devices---------" CMD="adb devices" echo $CMD if [ $EXEC = 1 ] ; then $CMD fi else if [ $1 = 'z' ] ; then NEWFILE=`echo $2 | sed "s/.apk/_z.apk/"` rm -fr $NEWFILE CMD="zipalign -v 4 $2 $NEWFILE" echo $CMD if [ $EXEC = 1 ] ; then $CMD fi else for DEV in $DEVICES ; do echo $DEV if [ $1 = 'o' ] ; then CMD="adb -s $DEV uninstall $PRG" echo $CMD if [ $EXEC = 1 ] ; then $CMD fi CMD="adb -s $DEV install $4" echo $CMD if [ $EXEC = 1 ] ; then $CMD fi else CMD="adb -s $DEV $OP $PRG $4" echo $CMD if [ $EXEC = 1 ] ; then $CMD fi fi done; fi fi